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Sound of Ideas: Guest “Tyree Stewart” from Facing Forward

PBS | Sound of Ideas

A new milestone in education was touted last week: 80 percent of students nationwide graduate high school. But that still means 1 in every 5 students does not get a high school diploma. WVIZ PBS brings you the story of Tyree Stewart, a drop out who is now working on a college degree. And we'll learn what safety nets are in place for students who may be at risk of dropping out or getting expelled...

DVD REVIEW: No Umbrella - Election Day in the City


As another election season draws to a close marked by yet another contentious political scandal, a short documentary film on our last Presidential race has made its way from the Sundance Film Festival to an independent DVD release...


By Donald Rosenberg
Plain Dealer Music Critic

To musicians, Dennis Eberhard was Cleveland’s composer laureate. To Russian concertgoers, he was an extraordinary artist whose music communicated profound compassion.

To his younger brother, Bruce, he was a hero who faced physical disability and financial hardship with tremendous courage. To kids in the Collinwood neighborhood where he grew up, he was “Sticks,” a little guy with a big smile who walked with crutches...

Out of the Shadows

Film shines light on journey of disabled Cleveland composer

By Donald Rosenberg
Plain Dealer Music Critic

Two tragedies inspired Cleveland composer Dennis Eberhard while he was writing the piano concerto he would call "Shadow of the Swan." One was the deaths of Russian sailors in the submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea in 2000; the other was the 1986 disaster of the space shuttle Challenger, its white smoke famously and horrifically evoking the image of an enormous swan...


By Donald Rosenberg
Plain Dealer Music Critic

The sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea in August 2000 jolted Cleveland composer Dennis Eberhard. Already at work on a piano concerto for Russian-born Cleveland pianist Halida Dinova, he decided to pay tribute to the deceased sailors in an expansive work eventually titled "Shadow of the Swan"...